Thursday, July 30, 2009

An update on the prior Aaarrrggghhh blog!

Well...I thought it only fair to post a blog letting you all know that our management waived all towing fees for the residents here. Apparently, it wasn't just my complaint that was given to the main office. It makes me feel better to know that they were willing to own there responsibility in this rather costly screw up.

Today was a much better day for me. I don't like to blog bad stuff but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. If I had kept all that frustration bottled up, I can only say that the only one I have to take it out on is my poor unsuspecting husband. He doesn't know it, but he escaped a really bad mood due to blogging it out of my system.

I hope you all have a truly wonderful day!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am so flipping ticked off. The apartment complex where we live has been doing renovations for the last 3 months or so. It does look nice, however we have been bombarded with these little notices that they leave all rolled up in a little scroll on our door. These little scrolls are to inform us that they will be cutting down our trees, gaining access to our back porch to break our tomato plant, un-plugging our freezer so that they can forget to plug it back in and leaving all of our meat to defrost in over 100 degree heat and the list of disturbances could continue, but I am sure you get the picture. So now on to the most current problem we are having with our lovely management. Apparently, notices were left in a scroll on our door on the previous Friday to inform us that they would be re-sealing our parking lot today beginning at 7:00 this morning. I honestly did not receive this particular scroll. I had today off. I awoke to someone knocking on my door before 8:00 a.m. By the time I got downstairs to answer the door there was no one there. I did see them cleaning our parking lot with the blowers though. I got a cup of coffee and about an hour later I heard something rather loud and rumbling outside. I walked to the kitchen and looked out my window to see that there were no cars in the parking lot. I ran out to talk to one of the workmen and he said cars were being towed and that notices had been put on the columns in the parking area informing us that we needed to have our cars removed by 7:00 a.m. or they would be towed at owners expense. I immediately got on the phone with the manager of our complex. I asked her what right she had to have my car towed. Her reply was that the notices were hung yesterday. When asked at what time they were hung, she said that it was between 6:15 and around 8:00 last night. I told her that I was home from work before then and never saw the bright gold notices posted on the columns at such a late time. I also told her that I had never received a rolled up scroll the previous Friday. It was then with great passion that I told her that I would refuse to pay that bill for having my car towed and I swore to her with all that was holy that she would be the one to pay for having my car towed. I then asked where they had our vehicles towed to, she replied that they were out on the main road outside of our complex. I went and located my car.

It is apparent to me that they have not handled this situation properly. Had I known that my car was going to be towed if left in my personal parking lot, I would have moved my car. I was not the only one to have my vehicle towed, there were many. I would suspect that most of us residents living here in this complex are responsible mature adults, who when asked to remove their cars for re-sealing of the parking lot on a particular date, would have been only too happy to oblige. The mere fact that so many vehicles had to be towed, only reiterates to me that the only notice ever given was the one posted on the columns after most of us unsuspecting residents had come home from our workday.

Well, I guess I just needed to vent. Sometimes writing about something just purges the frustration of daily life.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Trials, Tribulations and Triumph!!

What a crazy couple of days it has been. My Mom has given us all quite a scare in the last couple of days. We have been given the run-a-round trying to figure out what has been wrong with her. We were fairly certain that she had a stroke yesterday morning. Took her in to see the doctor and that is what they concluded. Mind you, they came to this conclusion with only a neurological exam, (you know, squeeze my fingers, push up with your hands, apply pressure with your feet and flex ...) They did however run an EKG, the heart was sound. They said she had a mild stroke and that if this should happen again in the future to take her directly to the hospital. That will be $45.00, thank you very much and be on your way. In all honesty, I left there feeling a bit certain that our trial had concluded for the day, but just as certain that there were going to be more tribulations in the future. Needless to say, I had a difficult time falling asleep last night and did quite a bit of praying.

Move forward to this morning. My phonne rang at 5:07 am. It was my sister saying Mom was at it again. She had been immobile since 11:30 pm last night. Not only not moving, but unable to speak or make noise at all to notify them she was in trouble. She found her at 4:30 this morning in this condition. I can not even begin to imagine the fear that was in her heart. I know the fear that was in mine upon receiving the call. We all raced to the hospital. They ran a complete battery of tests on her, blood work, urinary testings, x-rays, cat scans, another Ekg, and of course the neuro testings again. The answers came to us via the blood tests. Her blood sugar levels were only at 38. That is incredibly low. They gave her dextrose intraveiously and we saw some better color coming to her quite quickly after this. We were there for a total of 4 and 1/2 hours. But we left feeling a little triumphant with at least a reasonable diagnosis. They are scheduling another MRI which we should get a date for by Monday. Hopefully, that is going to turn out as good news as well.

These last couple of days have been tough. But, in truth, I am grateful for them as well. It is through the tough times that real bonding happens and it is amazing how incredible the love is between Mother and daughters as well as between sisters. I have been ultimately blessed in my life with the family that I was born into. I wouldn't change it for the world. Toss in a couple of very loving and devoted husbands and I say we are really lucky. I suppose I will just end this blog with the most heartfelt thanks to the Lord above for prayers answered!