Monday, August 17, 2009

A date with my sister...

I went on a date with my sister today. She came and picked me up and we went to breakfast at The Lodge in Citrus Heights. I had my usual, ham and eggs (it is the bomb there) and she had the home made corned beef hash with eggs. We opted for a side of fresh fruit because they always give you fresh fruit. Our breakfast was delicious. It always is there. I think it was once an IHOP as it s that pointy A-Frame type building. Itis small inside but very warm with great service and even better food.

The second part of our date was to the movies. We went and saw TheUglyTruth with Catherine Heigle and Gerard Butler. The movie was very predictable and a little slow in the beginning. It did however have some extremely tinkle in your pants funny moments in it. All in all it was worthy of the matinee price. I enjoyed it.

I was especially glad to see my sister get out and have a little grown up girl time. Although she loves being a mother, sometimes us ladies just need that. I for one, was glad for the girl time as well. I think it may have even improved my general outlook on life. Thank goodness for sisters!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tacos at mi hermanas!

We got an invitation to join my sister and family for a dinner of tacos. They were very delicious with homemade tortillas and all the fixin's!! She did a fantastic job on dinner and it was very tasty. Larry made Flan for dessert. We also got to tste his homemade Mead for dessert. I have to say. that was a mighty fine Mead. It is made with a blackberry honey and I will be a forever fan of this sweet delicious treat. Lucky for me, I was given a bottle for my own consumption and it is safely stowed in my refrigerator as we speak. Mmmm Mmmm Yummy!!

I also spent an hour or so in the pool with my adorable, precocious nephew, Joe. He is truly fearless in the water. He just loves to get out and do 1, 2, 3 and jump from the side into the pool. I can't put into words how expressive his eyes are when he is excited about something. I think I may just be a little in love with that little stinker. Mom was also in the pool with us. She really enjoys the pool and gets her legs exercised while in the pool. I think it is wonderful for her.

We had a lovely visit and left completely satiated in all ways. It is truly rewarding to be in the fold of lovely family.

On our drive home, we witnessed the most spectacular sunset. The sun was huge as it went down. We were headed West on Hwy 16 and I didn't want to turn North to head home as it completely changed our view. It was really a powerful sight to behold.

All in all, it was a good day!! Thanks Malana and Larry for a nice afternoon and evening!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comic relief from Hubby!!

I found this to be sooooooo funny!! My husband, Jeff and I are both due to renew our driver's licences. He is totally frustrated, not so much with me, but at me. I just waltzed in plopped down my $28.00, took my photo, said thank you very much and was out the door in about 15 minutes. Yay for me!! He isn't as happy about this as I am. I can't help but laugh at this situation.

He carries a Class "B" license and a motorcycle license. He has been studying for a week every night after work. He has to take the written test for a class B, motorcycle and for class C. I don't know why they are making him do this, but he is sooooo not happy about it. He also is taking a day off work for the testing.

Now me being the the kind of wife who has an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, I can't hardly keep myself from teasing him about this on a daily basis. It is so bad on my part, but I must admit he is a good sport about it. As I always say, look for the joy where you can find it!! Can i help it if needling him brings me joy?

I just felt like sharing about my bad behavior. I hope it makes you smile like it does me!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our day with both munchkins!!

Well, where to start? Jeff and I started out this day with the utmost of excitement. Our plans were to go to a picnic at Carmichael Park with some dear friends of mine from work, Michelle and Victoria. However, I was misinformed about the actual the actual location of this event. We went to Carmichael Park and the event was actually at Fair Oaks Park.

We picked up Grace at her Mom's work at 9:30 a.m. She was very excited to be spending the day with us. She always brings us such joy. Any moments with her are so precious to us. We then met Larry and Joe in Rancho Cordova (Larry was kind enough to meet us with Joe at the half way mark between our homes). We loaded Joe and his car seat in the car, said our goodbye's to Larry and we were off. Joe was all smiles when he realized that his cousin Grace was in the car too. He is so adorable and really loves his cousin Gracie. So off to Carmichael Park we went. We looked for the picnic and our friends and couldn't find them anywhere, but the kids got to play in the park anyway. They had fun for about an hour and then we were off to McDonald's for the requested lunch of a cheeseburger. There was the playroom, as is necessary and the kids had a fabulous time. In the mean time I got a hold of my friend Victoria and found out the actual location of the picnic.

We loaded up the munchkins again and were off to Fair Oaks park. Upon our arrival, Grace noticed that this park had swings. Oh great joy of life!! (The other park was lacking that particular apparatus.) So both kids were placed on the swings and pushed by Jeff and I. All I can say to this is, "Let the giggling commence!" The two of them were having an absolute blast. We went up to greet our friends and Gracie waited in line for quite awhile to get her face painted. The lady painting faces was on a break to eat her lunch. Gracie wanted a moon painted on her face. I eventually painted her face myself and then there was a long line of children wanting me to paint their faces as well. I had to decline. We then went over to the pinata festivities and took part in that. There were a lot of children and adults at this event and it was very child oriented. It was a nice event to attend. They had children's music playing and when Old Mc Donald had a farm came on, Joe was in his happy dancing element. He was singing, rather on-key mind you and having such a good time.

It all sounds like a storybook, doesn't it? I think that I may have forgotten to let you know that during all this loading and unloading of the kids into the car and out of the car, all this frolicking in the two different parks, and the ultra healthy lunch at Mickey D's, the temperature was sitting just short of 100 degrees. This along with all of the activity really took it's toll an the kiddies. They both seemed a little overheated by about 1:30. We said our goodbye's to our friends and loaded them up one more time. I thought that they would fall asleep in the car almost immediately. No such luck! Once the air conditioning hit them, they were all laughter and giggles in the back seat. They were holding hands, playing tickle (or better known to Joey as giggle, giggle, giggle) and just really enjoying themselves and one another. I for one, couldn't believe the transformation a little air conditioning could do. We drove them out to Joey's house where they could have a swim in the pool.

Grace and I got in the pool, Joe attempted to go down for a nap and Larry and Jeff were working on the garage and organizing it. The pool felt lovely and Grace was having a great time when all of a sudden she wanted out and proceeded to vomit. This poor little angel vomited continually for the next couple of hours. It broke my heart to see her in such discomfort. We put her in the car and drove her home, her vomiting all the way there. It is harder to be Grandma than Mom in this situation. You just feel so helpless. If I could have taken this from her and beared it myself, I would have in a hot New York second. We stayed with her at her house for about an hour and then finally ventured home. I called to check on her after we got home and she was finally able to keep fluids down and was feeling a little better. That was a huge relief to me and her Grandpa. He really doesn't handle these types of situations very well.

All in all, we covered all colors of the spectrum on our day with the world's two most adorable munchkins. Given the experiences we shared on this day, I know I would do it again today, tomorrow or any time again. I believe it is what I live for now. These two sweet, loving children that are my greatest joy in life. I am truly blessed! Thank you Beth, Malana and Larry for sharing your most precious gift with us.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Day With My Babies, Woo Hoo!

I am so excited about today. I am going to spend the day with Jeff, Grace and Joey. Our immediate plans are to go to a B-B-Q festivities in Carmichael Park and then we will see where the day takes us. I think it is going to be a fantabulous day for us old folks with the kids. I truly believe that this is the type of day where we reap the rewards of the work week by getting to spend the day with the munchkins. In the big picture, they are for sure our greatest blessing. I know no greater joy than the babes in our lives. I am one blessed Grandma and Auntie.