Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday marked Mom's 72nd birthday. I threw her a nice birthday party/dinner. Mom, Malana. Larry and Joe came over. Larry got here early, coming straight after work. He was kind enough to help me decorate with streamers and a banner. It is nice that he is so tall. No ladder required. He also helped in the kitchen cutting up Fruits and garlic bread. What a Godsend my bro-in- law is. I really love you Larry.

We had New York Strip steaks, baked potatoes with every topping imaginable, baked beans, steamed broccoli, garlic bread, jumbo prawns with cocktail sauce, a veggie plate, a pickle and olive plate, chips and dip and some lovely carrot cake and vanilla ice cream. The food was a success. Malana brought the cake. It was very Yummy!!!

As a surprise for Mom, I had invited Beth and Grace to her party. Beth brought along her little nephew, Nicholas. Mom was very happily surprised when they arrived. I am glad they could make it.

Everyone seemed to have a good time. I especially loved watching Joey with Grace. He just loves her so much. He kept on going up and giving her hugs and kisses the whole time and saying he loved her. How adorable is that? They are precious I tell you, just precious!

My Mom had on a new outfit that Larry and Malana gave her. Chocolate brown pants and a tan top with white polka-dots. She looked so pretty. Most importantly, she seemed very happy and pleased with her celebration. Did this daughter's heart good to see her Mom so happy. All in all, it was a successful birthday bash!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

State of Flux!

I have been in the process of trying to take my grooming shop back over since mid February. The gal that I had attempted to sell it to is 2 years in arrears in her payments to me, 9 months behind in the rent payment to the landlord and behind in several of the utility bills.

In October 2009 I informed her that her payments were going to have to resume or she would be found in default and I would resume ownership and operation of my shop by year's end. She made a little payment and a huge promise that she was going to be able to resume payments on a regular schedule. It did not happen. My husband and I went there on Christmas day and were surprised to find that I had been locked out of the shop.

I then gave her one more chance to get it together, giving her until March 1st, 2010 to make good on all past due debt. This was to include the past due rent as well. The landlord by now was wanting her gone. There were too many excuses and not enough compensation. She had informed me that due to the recession that business had all but dropped off.

I gave notice at my current place of employment, went up to my shop in mid February to take possession of my shop. She refused to leave and called the sheriff. The sheriff informed me that I had no legal right to the property or to it's contents. She had had possession for over 2 years. She was informed that she was not allowed to take any equipment from the shop or it would be theft. I took pictures of the shop with the sheriff as witness. We were left with no other alternative but to legally evict her. She informed me and the landlord that her family was giving her a loan to pay off the purchase price of the business and all the back rent. She assured us we would have all money owed to us by 2/28/10. She also said that she would remove herself from the premisesby 3/1/10 if this loan failed to come through.

Needless to say, she has never paid and is still squatting. The eviction is in process and I have no idea how long this process will take. This has been such a trying time. I gave her too many chances and have shown her nothing but kindness and patience. In reviewing the record books, it came to light that she had been completely fabricating the story of not making a decent and workable income. It is not what it once was, but there was more than enough monies earned to meet all financial responsibilities. Good news in some ways, but still a dagger in the heart. At least when I do finally get to take it back, there is still clientele enough to keep it going. I honestly thought I was going to have to revive a dead business. I am left with the question as to why she wouldn't have taken this opportunity for the great possibility that it was. and just met her financial responsibilities. I guess I will never know the answer to that question.

I am just in a state of flux and waiting. I can't wait to get this resolved and start moving in a positive direction. I think the biggest mystery to me is her unfailing sense of entitlement to be there when she hasn't earned the right to do so. I couldn't imagine behaving as she has. If I had belittled this opportunity such as she has, I would have simply walked out the door with my tail tucked in shame. What audacity she has to have such an attitude of self-righteousness. All I can say to her is, "Carma, Pumpkin, Carma!"

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hand is Healing

Went in for surgery on March 2nd for the release of trigger finger on my dominant hand (Right) of the middle digit. Surgery went very well. I opted for non sedated surgery. Just a localized numbing agent. This is definitely the way to go, for me at least. No recuperation time in post op.

Went today and had the stitches removed. Bing bang and done. The hand is still tender and stiff, but he assures me that it should be better within a couple more months and advised stretching exercises.

I am very happy about this. It is good to have movement back again, even if it is stiff.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy 5th birthday Grace Isabella!

It seems so hard to believe that my darling little granddaughter Grace is now 5 years old. She had her birthday party yesterday at "The Spaghetti Factory". Jeff, myself, Mom, Malana Larry and Joey attended from our side. From Beth's side it was Nana Nadine, Auntie Gina, Cousin Nicholas and Uncle Vito. Oh Yeah and Mom Beth and of course Gracie too. It was such a nice get together.

We all had such a nice time. The food was great as well as the company. It seems whenever we all get together as a family, we have a fabulous time. My favorite part of the evening was watching the kids have such a good time. Gracie and Joe love each other so much. They get along beautifully and have a blast together. Joey especially loves his cousin, Grace.

Gracie was quite the little fashionista. She looked so adorable in her little dress with cute little bows in her hair. She really is quite a beautiful little child. To me, she is just an absolute feminine replica of her Daddy. Oh, if only he could have been there, it would have been all the way perfect. I know that he would have been so proud of his adorable little Grace Isabella. She really is so very sweet, loving and incredibly gorgeous. No bias here, I assure you.

It is times such as these that make me aware of how wonderful life is. Life is definitely in the little moments. They are meant to be revered and treasured. They are special times that make for the fondest memories. This night with the family will go into the memory book in my mind for all the days of my life. Happy 5th birthday Grace Isabella. Grandma loves you so!!