Thursday, August 13, 2009

Comic relief from Hubby!!

I found this to be sooooooo funny!! My husband, Jeff and I are both due to renew our driver's licences. He is totally frustrated, not so much with me, but at me. I just waltzed in plopped down my $28.00, took my photo, said thank you very much and was out the door in about 15 minutes. Yay for me!! He isn't as happy about this as I am. I can't help but laugh at this situation.

He carries a Class "B" license and a motorcycle license. He has been studying for a week every night after work. He has to take the written test for a class B, motorcycle and for class C. I don't know why they are making him do this, but he is sooooo not happy about it. He also is taking a day off work for the testing.

Now me being the the kind of wife who has an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other, I can't hardly keep myself from teasing him about this on a daily basis. It is so bad on my part, but I must admit he is a good sport about it. As I always say, look for the joy where you can find it!! Can i help it if needling him brings me joy?

I just felt like sharing about my bad behavior. I hope it makes you smile like it does me!!

1 comment:

  1. You're so mean! Kidding... if the same situation happened at our house I'd be needling Larry too.
